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The Full Story

Here at Clig Doodle Days we are passionate about helping you find the perfect addition to your family. Many of our doodles have gone on to be both emotional support dogs, and service dogs. All of our puppies are great additions to their families. We are passionate about what we do and can't wait for you to find out more. 


The Beginning

We start with ENS, Early Neurological Stimulation (ENS) is a process we started

doing that introduces mild stresses to very young puppies in a controlled way.

These stresses help stimulate the neurological system which improves the growth

and development of the pups immune system, cardiovascular system, and stress


 At 2 weeks we start working on potty training, this is very time consuming as we

are watching puppies closely to put them in the potty area, so that they become

familiar with where to go, at 6-weeks, we start doggie door training. By the time

puppies go home at 8weeks, they are 90% accident free. Also at 2 week we

transition them from the whelping box to a huge crate (that is open all the time)

together. At4  weeks we begin manners training, I strongly encourage families to

join Baxter and Bella, you are making a huge investment in purchasing a puppy.

If you committee the time and a little money you will have the best pet for life!

Remember I have a code CLIG25 for 25% off.

At 6 weeks we also start crate training. When puppies take a nap we will put them

in their crate and we also do this at night, this will help with the transition home.

All along the 8 weeks we work on socialization and expose the puppies to lots of

new objects and sounds. We have puppy parties and welcome visit from families.


When you look at a group of puppies, they each have the same adorable little face that

just about screams out to be touched. Even if the puppies all look the same to our eyes,

they are very different individuals. How can you know what a puppy will be like when he is older?
Temperament testing helps select the best puppy for a family with children, a young

couple with other pets, or an active single person. Testing matches a puppy’s personality, energy level, and needs with the appropriate family and home.
The Super Dog/Puppy method is one way of adding a small amount of
neurological stress to a puppy (Early Neurological Stimulation). 
It is thought that this early introduction can help a puppy later be more comfortable in

times of stress and better able to cope.
Once a puppy reaches the ripe old age of 7 weeks, a more official type of temperament

test can be completed.
A temperament test can be one effective way of helping to pair a puppy up with the right family.


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